Amalgamating Data from Two Data Sheets

Using the Amalgamate Data Function

First, let me say this function is new; if you run into a problem, please contact me!

The Amalgamate Data function in EZAnalyze allows you to combine two worksheets in the same Excel file into one, based on a 'Unique Identifier' that exists in both sheets. For example, if you want to merge data that exist in two different databases (such as NCES and your state Department of Education), you can merge them together easily using this function. This function adds new variables (columns) to your sheet for all cases (rows) that have the same Unique Identifier. You can choose whether or not you want to keep rows of data that do not match.

It is important to note that all additions and deletions happen on copies of your original data, which will not be harmed in any way!

To use the Amalgamate Function, select 'Other Tools' from the EZAnalyze menu in Excel, then choose 'Amalgamate Data'.

In the 'Amalgamator' dialog box, select the worksheets you would like to combine from the drop down menus labeled 'Worksheet 1' and 'Worksheet 2'. Next, select the variable that contains the Unique Identifier in each sheet.


  • Keep matches only - select this option if you only want to keep cases (rows) that have the unique identifer you selected on BOTH sheets.

>When you click OK, your selected data sheets will be combined into one. If any rows of data were added or removed, you will see a 'Case Processing Summary' dialog box informing you of how many additions and deletions there were. Otherwise, you will be brought to the merged data sheet, which is named 'Merged_' plus all or part of the names of the sheets you selected.

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