Creating a New Percent Change Variable

Using the New Variable - Percent Change Function

The NEW VARIABLE - PERCENT CHANGE function, part of the NEW VARIABLE MENU in EZAnalyze, allows you to determine the difference between two variables in terms of the percent of change from baseline - for example, the amount of change that occurred between a pretest and posttest. This option is similar to the Difference Variable function, except that it provides a more standardized way of reporting the difference between the two variables.

To create a new percent change variable for your data, select "New Variable" from the EZAnalyze menu in Excel, then select 'Percent Change."

In the "New Percent Change Variable" dialogue box, select one variable from the variable list under "Baseline" and one variable from the variable list under "Second." If you are not sure which variable you should put first, try it both ways, and use the way that has more positive numbers than negative numbers as they are easier to interpret and work with.

Next, give your new variable a name in the "Variable Name" box. This new name should be a variable name that has not already been used.


  • Create more percent change variables - check this box if you would like to create more of these variables. This is simply a time saver.

When you click OK, a new column will be added to your data sheet that has the name you provided in the "Variable Name" box. The values contained in the cells of the new column will the percent change for each individual score between the variables you have chosen.

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